Small house by Mizuishi Architects Atelier in Japan is on the triangle site where the river and the road were crossed and made to the acute angle. For the dead-end road, it became a plan in various regulations for obtaining special permission.
Residents are husband and wife and a little girl. Although it was a novel site of a limited area, since a river was faced through a bank and a promenade, I would like to design various relations with the river. The building is the form that cut an acute angle part on a triangle plan derived from the site. Furthermore, it got the maximum volume of hip roof of three planes in restriction of setback-line.
Although the level0 floor was a private space,it limits for dividing with the curtain of a race in the door, stairs, storage, etc. except for a bathroom. It enabled it to feel a spread. The level+1 floor is devided into small areas by structural narrow walls,being connected with one by the ridgeline of a roof. So there are different open feelings and the relations with the river each. Photos by: Hiroshi Tanigawa