Palazzo Caló is a restoration of a building of historical and artistic interest by esseelle associati studio di architettura in 2012 located in the historical center of Bari, Italy.

Palazzo Calò is a great new formula for a nice stay in Bari, the capital city of Puglia on the Adriatic Sea. It is the starting place for the most beautiful and most interesting tourist itineraries of Puglia. There are 12 different apartments to satisfy every need, and numerous services to help you enjoy your stay to its fullest.
Palazzo Calò is a link from the past to the future: a 16th century residence completely rebuilt with technologically up to date criteria. The spaces keep the beauty of the original stone walls, enriched with modern art, high quality architectural solutions for fascinating comfort.
The location of the building in the center of the city is also what makes it so unique. It is just a short walk away for Via Sparano and Corso Vittorio Emanuele, the heart of the business district, and entertainment; it is just steps away from The Basilica of San Nicola, the Cathedral, and Petruzzelli Theatre and also the port.