Category Archives: structure

Casa Kimball, private beach house by RANGR STUDIO

Casa Kimball is a private beach house get-away and luxury rental villa located on the North coast of the Dominican Republic. Situated on a cliff with a panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean, each of eight full suites has a breathtaking view out to the ocean.

Casa Kimball, private beach house by RANGR STUDIO 01

The buildings are designed to protect from views of neighboring villas, heightening the experience of the vast horizon beyond. The interior spaces merge with exterior spaces, all of which are designed to allow ocean breezes under shade from the sun, throughout the year. Light at sunset rakes through trees, casting dappled sunlight on the light stone floors in the evening. A long infinity edge pool creates a seamless edge of water in front of the ocean, hiding terraces and a hot-tub at cliff edge that allow visitors to experience the ocean’s roar as waves break on the rocks below.
Rangr Studio designed the gigantic window/doors to pivot effortlessly on ball bearings, with very thin frames, made of a South-American hardwood as strong as steel. Two finishes of local coral stone make up much of the wall and floor finish.
The villa is about 20,000 square feet, and includes two indoor and two outdoor lounges, a dining room with a view centered on the pool out to the ocean, andan outdoor bar area.

Design Team: Jasmit Singh Rangr, Eivind Karlsen, Josh Weiselberg.

Saota architects

SAOTA (Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Architects)


Hotel philosophy in Mikonos: Cavo Tagoo

Cavo Tagoo in Mykonos island of Greece strives to be a canvas upon which visitors can color their island dreams. The outstanding, friendly service and carefully crafted luxury that customers enjoy are elements that achieve perfection for a relaxing stay in Mykonos. Cavo Tagoo’s number one priority is creating memorable experiences for its guests and therefore the hotel makes every effort to ensure that each visit is fondly etched in its customers’ minds. Cavo Tagoo has succeeded in being a cosmopolitan luxury suites hotel and a destination for seekers of unique and relaxing experiences from all over the world. Thanks to Tà

Cavo Tagoo Hotel 01

La casa modulare realizzata da Pircher

Planit è il prefabbricato modulare realizzato da Pircher su progetto dello studio milanese Bestetti Associati.
Nato nel 2007 attorno allo sviluppo di un concept modulare per fornire ai progettisti la possibilità di creare diversi tipi di spazio abitativo, si è evoluto nel 2008 con la zona wellnes per inaugurare nel 2009 la sua prima casa show room che, disposta su due piani, ha una superficie di 500 mq e una terrazza di 480 mq con piscina, e completa i suoi spazi con gli arredi di B&B Italia.
La struttura architettonica è realizzata con materiali ecocompatibili, l’impianto elettrico è a basso voltaggio per diminuire la frequenza dei campi magnetici, sono utilizzate vernici a base d’acqua, previsti impianti per la raccolta dell’acqua piovana e per il ricircolo dell’aria. Anche la tipologia, le dimensioni, l’orientamento e i sistemi di ombreggiamento di tutti i serramenti sono stati progettati per difendere l’edificio dall’eccessivo surriscaldamento estivo e consentire nel contempo un piacevole irraggiamento termico invernale.

La casa modulare realizzata da Pircher 01